Thursday, March 27, 2008

亚当和夏娃上天堂了吗?/ Were Adam and Eve in heaven now?

According to Bible, the reason that why human beings are being punished nowadays is that Adam and Eve ate fruit "from the tree of knowledge of good and evil", with the lure of snake.

So God not only punished human beings and snake, but also curse the earth. (It seems to be too much for me.)

But don't know if Adam and Eve went to heaven finally, not mentioned in Bible at least. But I really want to know if these two "banes" are qualified to enter the heaven~~~

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

圣经和中国人有什么关系?/ Bible: What's the business of Chinese people?

I don't remember there's a word about Chinese people, or Asian people. It seems that God created human bing according his own figures, which didn't include Asian people. Is it true?

Well, someone said, the word "evil" has two trees, one is "the tree of life", the other one is "the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Is it true?

Saturday, March 22, 2008

神为什么不要人知道善恶?/ Why God didn't want human being have the sense of "good" and "evil"?

And the Lord God commanded the man, "You are free to eat from any tree in the garden; but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat of it you will surely die."

Human should understand what "good" and "evil" are, so they can follow "good" things and keep themselves away from "evil". And then so many "evil" things in the world wouldn't have happened. So it's good for human to get the knowledge of this. Why would God prevent human from knowing it? What was he afraid of?

Friday, March 21, 2008

世界是神创造的吗?/ Was the world created by God?

In Genesis, it's said God created the heavens and the earth and anything else in this order:
  1. 天地 / heavens and earth
  2. 水(未明确说明) / water (implicit)
  3. 光 / light
  4. 昼夜 / day and night
  5. 空气 / expanse (Is this air?)
  6. 地(特指土地) / land
  7. 植物 / vegetation
  8. 大光(太阳) / greater light
  9. 小光(月亮)/ lesser light
  10. 众星 / stars
  11. 动物 / living creatures
  12. ...
  13. 人 / man
So it means God created the earth, then the sun and the moon, then other stars. But, with the latest news, some stars already dead before sun, moon and earth. Please follow the links below.

- Sohu News (70亿年前宇宙光线光临地球)

- New York Times

- NASA: 2008-Mar-21st: (这是真的吧)

How to explain this?

Please help. Thanks!

学习《圣经》过程中的一个里程碑/A milestone in my bible studying


I have a lot of questions when learning bible. So I decided to start this blog with my humble heart to ask for help from anybody. Please don't hesitate to comment... Thanks in advance.